Hasil studi yang dilakukan peneliti asal Chicago, Amerika berpendapat memainkan video games syarat dengan adegan laga (fighting/shooting) dapat mempertajam penglihatan orang dewasa. Selain itu otak juga akan bekerja lebih cepat dan efisien dalam mengenali objek.
Dia menambahkan, orang yang sering menghabiskan waktunya bersama video games menunjukan sinyalemen peningkatan yang berarti. Mereka dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam membedakan warna gelap serta dapat membantu seseorang yang mengalami gangguan saat berkendara.
"Normalnya, meningkatkan kinerja penglihatan dalam membedakan sebuah target yakni menggunakan kacamata atau melakukan operasi mata, namun sebenarnya dapat dilakukan hanya dengan memperbaiki optik mata," kata Daphe Bavelier dari Universitas Rochester yang disampaikan di New York dalam studi The Journal Nature Neuroscience.
"Hasil yang kami temukan menunjukan bermain video games laga dapat melatih otak dalam proses pengenalan gambar menjadi lebih efisien. Kemajuan nampak pada bulan terakhir ketika permainan mulai dihentikan.
Dalam penelitian tersebut, terdapat dua tim, masing-masing tim terdiri dari 22 pelajar. Grup A memainkan video games laga "Call of Duty 2" dimainkan oleh Activision Blizzard Inc dan Epic Games "Unreal Tournament 2004". Grup B memainkan games berkarakter Electronic Arts Inc's "The Sims 2", dimana permainan tersebut tidak terlalu membutuhkan kordinasi mata.
Kedua grup bermain selama 50 jam dalam rentan 9 minggu. Hasil yang didapat selama waktu tersebut menyimpulkan bermain video games laga rata-rata mengalami kemajuan 43 persen kemampuan dalam melihat titik warna buram dibanding memainkan The Simp.
Bavelier menyatakan melatih kemapuan otak dengan bermain video games laga, kemampuan menangkap suatu perbedaan menjadi lebih baik 58 persen.
"Ketika seseorang memainkan permainan berkarakter laga, secara tidak langsung mereka telah membuka jalan kinerja otak menjadi lebih tajam. Permainan itu mendorong manusia mengasah pengapsiran sistem visual semaksimal mungkin," Ungkap Bavelier. (rileks)
Pada kesempatan ini aku pengen bercerita tentang masa kehidupanku dari masa balita hingga saat ini nih ^^. coz, sebagai pendahuluan aku pengen perkenalkan diri dolo ^^
Nama : Dendi WIjaksono TT Lahir : Cilegon,5 agustus 1994 Alamat : Jl Hasanuddin No 54 T.Betung B.Lampung Agama : Islam Status : Pelajar Bersaudara : anak ke 3 dari 3 bersaudara Gol darah : O Pendidikan : TK Al-Islah, SDN 1 Teluk Betung, SMP Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung, SMA Negeri 2 B.Lampung Moto : merubah diri sendiri untuk merubah orang lain Kegiatan lain yg lgi di lakukan : lagi nyoba marketiva- main forex trading ^^
Sekian perkenalan awal.. ^^ untuk melanjutkan cerita berikut nya! dibuka dengan membaca basmallah ^^ biar pembaca selalu di berkati allah swt. amien...
Pada thursday, 5 agustus tahun 1994 di rumah sakit krakatau steel (KS) Serang (dulu aku masih tinggal di banten ^^). Lahir lah seorang laki" imut,munyil, tampan dan penuh berkah. itu lah diriku ^^ aku terlahir dari dua psangan yg saling terikat sehidup semati(cie..). Nama ayahku Prawito Suraji dan ibuku Neneng Zakatiah, aku terlahir setelah ibuku melahirkan 2 anak laki" sebelumnya ^^. Duh kasian nya ibuku, harapkan lahir nya seorang gadis yg bisa membantu ibuku di dapur :D .
Peristiwa lebih spesifik nya, aku lahir pada minggu pagi, saat itu ibuku mual-mual gitu. ayahku sibuk langsung pergi naik kendaran ke rumah sakit krakatau steel. Dengan penuh cinta dan kasih sayang nya ibuku dan ayah yg selalu menemani nya, tepat pukul 09.42 aku dilahirkan dech!^^ ,dengan berat 3,3 kg dan panjang 47 cm. penuh kegembiraan tertera di wajah kedua orang tuaku, di mandi-in,langsung dech di AZAN-nin sama ayahku di kedua telingaku. Hal itu sudah menjadi syariat islam bagi bayi yang telah di lahirkan. Ayahku segera memberi namaku,yaitu dendi wijaksono yang artinya dendi-> selalu berpenampilan rapi dan wijaksono-> bijaksana. Inilah cerita tentang proses kelahiranku . Walaupun tidak semeriah dilantiknya Obama sebagai presiden Amerika yang ke 44, tetapi ini sangat berarti bagi hidupku.
Setelah beberapa waktu yg cukup bagi ibuku untuk bersitirahat, kedua orangtuaku membawa aku kerumah. Penuh sambut yang muncul dari tetanggaku, wah rame nih ^^.
Seiring berjalan nya waktu, diriku tumbuh besar mulai dari merangka dilanjutkan dengan berjalan! huhu.. Waktu itu ayahku belum punya rumah tetap, kata ibuku:, aku membawa keberkahan ^^. Sehingga saat masa itu ayahku dapat membangun rumah sendiri! ^^.
detik berganti detik, hari berganti hari tak terasa diriku bertambah besar, mulai mengenal teman" sebayaku di sekitar rumahku. wah sungguh masa yang indah......
Balita, kehidupan beradaptasi dan meniru tingkah laku dan perkataan di lingkungan sekitar, di mana masa yang paling menyenangkan, menggemaskan dan paling merepotkan kedua orang tua.Aku tau aku sangat merepotkan orangtuaku karena pada saat tenggah malam aku selalu membangunkan orangtuaku saat aku mengompol Pada saat umurku menginjak 7 bulan aku sudah mulai merangkak. Aku dapat berjalan saat usiaku 12 Bulan (1 tahun).
Pernah aku merasa ketakutan! cuma ditemani kedua kakaku, saat itu orangtua pergi keluar rumah untuk urusan tertentu. Ketakutan itu terjadi saat adanya raungan binatang an*in* dari lapangan dekat rumahku membuat hatiku tak tenang! Lampu yang sudah lanjut usia berkedap kedip serasa diriku ingin diterjang nya!!
cerita ketakutanku gk usah di bahas lagi!^^ Saat itu umurku telah cukup untuk disekolahkan di TK, walau kata ibuku aku udah 5 tahun,tapi kurang beberapa bulan! jadi aku cerita-in juga masa saat aku masuk Tk.
Aku bersekolah di TK Al-islah Cilegon, Banten. Letak nya tidak jauh dari rumahku. Pada saat hari pertama aku di antar oleh ibuku. Hari berikut nya aku dapat berangkat bersama temanku tanpa di temani ibuku. Pada waktu TK aku mulai belajar bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan yang baru, guru dan teman yang baru . Pada saat aku duduk di bangku Taman Kanak-kanak aku sangtlah aktif dalam proses belajar di dalam kelas. Saat itu aku sering mengikuti perlombaan antar sekolah contohnya lomba menggambar dan yang lainnya. Pada saat itu masa bermain dan belajar yang sangat singkat tapi aku sangat puas bermain dan belajar di sana. Setelah satu tahun berjalan, tidak terasa sebentar lagi saat acara perpisahan. Di saat itulah aku pindah ke B.Lampung untuk melanjutkan pendidikan SD.
Semakin bertambah umurku, semakin bertambah pula kemampuanku. Saat ini aku sudah dapat masuk SD pada saat umurku enam setengah tahun. Aku mendaftarkan diri di SDN 1 Teluk Betung. Ternyata aku diterima di sekolah itu, aku senang sekali karena kakakku juga bersekolah di sana. Pada saat hari pertama, aku bertemu banyak sekali teman. Dari kelas 1 hingga kelas 6 aku tidak pernah luput dengan yang namanya peringkat kelas! Antara peringkat 1 sampai 3. Ada kenangan buruk saat aku duduk di kelas 2 sd, yaitu bocornya di kepala saya di bagian kening . Hingga saat ini peristiwa itu masih membekas di keningku dengan 3 jahitan yang membenjol bagian kanan. Pada saat kelas 5 aku diberi kepercayaan untuk mengikuti olimpiade MIPA (Matematika IPA). Saat itu aku berhasil memperoleh juara 2 se-Bandara lampung. Walaupun hanya prestasi kecil,tetapi bagiku langkah awal untuk memperoleh prestasi yang lebih tinggi. Pada saat aku di kelas 6,aku terus belajar dengan tekun. . Selama aku duduk di kelas 6, nilaiku membaik hingga aku mendapat semangat belajar lagi. Saat akhir adalah saat yang paling menegangkan , karena pada saat itu untuk pertama kalinya saya mengtikuti ujian akhir sekolah. Ujian itu menentukan lulus atau tidaknya seseorang dari jenjang SD. Tepat pada hari pengumumam, detak jantung murid-murid pun berdetak dengan cepatnya. Menanti pengumuman seraya berdoa agar lulus. Tak lama berselang pengumuman pun keluar SDN Teluk Betung LULUS 100 % dan memperoleh peringkat pertama di sekolahku.
Pada saat pendaftaran masuk SMP , saya meminta formulir pendaftaran di SMP Negeri 2 B.Lampung. Pada saat itu saya memilih SMP N 2,SMP N 4,dan SMP N 16 sebagai calon sekolah yang saya tuju. Sehari sebelum tes saya tidak ada waktu untuk melihat kelas dimana saya akan mengerjakan soal tes. Saat hari tes saya lekas pergi dan mencari ruangn . Setelah tes selesai , hanya satu yang dapat saya lakukan, yaitu berdoa agar ditunjukan jalan yang terbaik. Dan dapat lolos di SMP favorit. Setelah beberapa hari berselang, pengumumanpun menyatakan bahwa aku masuk ke SMP Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung. Mulai saat itu kehidupan di masa SMP pun dimulai. Pada saat itu aku duduk di kelas 7 D. Saat itu aku mengenal banyak teman yang berasal dari berbagai sekolah. Saat aku duduk di kelas 8,aku lebih bnyak lagi mengenal teman yang sebelumnya belum ku kenal. Aku berada di kelas 8 C. Selanjutnya aku naik kelas ke kelas 9D. Dikelas ini kekeluargaannya sangat baik , Teman yang ada di dalamnya memiliki tingkat keinginan belajar yang tinggi. Saat salah satu teman memiliki masalah di dalam pelajaran , teman yang bias selalu mengajarinya, sehingga dalam satu kelas memiliki hubungan yang erat Disaat akhir semester adalah akhir yang sangat mendebarkan karena sebentar lagi akan mengikuti UN. Persiapan yang dilakukan agar mendapat nilai yang memuaskan .Dan dapat lulus. Saat UN berlangsung yang menjaga jalannya acara dengan baik adalah guru dari sekolah lain agar tak ada kecurangan dalam pengerjaan soal UN. Setelah satu bulan menunggu , akhirnya hari pengumumanpun tiba . Saat pengumuman dibacakan sorak-sorai pun memenuhi sekolah karena siswa SMP N 2 Bandar Lampung LULUS 100%.
Saat di SMA
Pada saat pendaftaran masuk SMA, saya dan semua teman-teman di SMP Negeri 2 ditawarkan untuk memilih SMAN 2 atau SMAN 9 B.lampung secara kolektif. Dan aku memilih SMAN 2 B.lampung. Setelah beberapa hari berselang setelah melewati beberapa tes, pengumuman pun menyatakan bahwa aku masuk ke SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung. Aku bersyukur atas penerimaan ini. Sebelum di mulainya tahun ajaran 2009/2010, diadakan nya PraMos dan MOS. Kegiatan itu berjalan selama 1 minggu Setelah pembagian kelas, saat ini aku duduk di kelas X rsbi 9 dengan kawan yang kompak dan menyenangkan.
Signal Auto not never stop led to the idea of modifying a car, at this time signal auto has completely change the Isuzu Panther became Hummer H2 SUT. And this the fantastic spec :
Car Type : Isuzu Panther Owner : Ronny
Exterior modification : Head lamp Hummer diamond cut Xenon, Tail light custom, Foglamp custom Hummer H2 model, One piece bonnet H2 model, Custom roof and door H2 model, Front and rear bumper H2 model, Custom roof roll bar H2 model, Custom carbon H2 model, Custom fender nad grill H2 model, Handle door Kia Carnival, Tempered Glass front (rear,side), Bonnet pin custom H2 model, Custom cabin handle.
Interior :
Red to Gold by Sherwin Williams(body, dashboard, audio), Custom dashboard H2 model, Custom console box H2 model, Digital speedometer, Custom blower H2 model, Custom shoft knob, 2 Ford seater full Garson style & leather, Steering wheel Fabulous, Fiber seater, Power window E46, Custom central lock, Custom inside handle, Custom throw shift kit
Engine Equipment :
Custom exhaust, Supercharge system Albrex, Engine cover Albrex, Custom pipe, Port & polish, Power enterprise, Superstrong timing blet, Custom inlet pipe, Exedy light weight fly wheel, Gearbox Nissan Terano, Gardan Mitsubishi
Rolling Stock :
Akuza 1 Concept 6 hole 22”x9,5“, Toyo tires Proxes S/T 265/40, Shockbreaker Dick Cepek, Lowering kit 300, Tie rod Taft GT, Custom chasis, Ball hook Colt Diesel, Brake system 124 A FAT.
Audio System :
Head unit Clarion, Monitor Oris 7”, Playstation 2, Power Pioneer 480W 6M 6800 F4 channel, Prokick DG-2400 MB, Cliff design CD 1.1 Lx, Front middle ADS 236 6”, Rear middle 4 set sound stream XTS 5.2, Subwoofer XS 12 1set, Subwoofer Focal VSW-1202 1 set, Subwoofer Rockford Fosgate RF 23412 1 set, Capasitor Bank Prosound 2 piece, Distribution block performance, Custom fiber polk audio.
Isuzu Panther Modified into Hummer H2 SUT modified by Signal Auto
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If you won a lottery that offered you million-dollar supercar or a large cash prize, which would you take? Okay, well you might be a little biased if you're reading Autoblog. So let's make this a little more challenging: what if you lived in a town with no paved roads like Norman Wells (population: 761), some 690 kilometers northwest of Yellowknife in Canada's Northwest Territories, where Louie Edgi lives with his family.
Edgi bought ten tickets for the Alberta Cash and Cars Lottery, which was giving away a Koenigsegg CCX and supports local cancer research funds, on a trip down from his northerly home-town to Edmonton, Alberta, (still considered ridiculously close to the North Pole for the rest of the world, including this Canadian-born writer) to undergo cancer treatment. Since getting the car home would have required a long trip up a winter ice road – a prospect that apparently hasn't caught on in the Northwest Territories as it has in Koenigsegg's home country of Sweden – Edgi opted for the cash instead, and is reportedly feeling a lot better about his treatment now.
This weekend's Porsche Panamera photos have everyone talking, and it had us thinking it's time for a Sunday Poll. Sportier, coupe-like four-doors are no longer a novelty; everyone's doing (or plans to do) it. So, given the choice, which one would you pick. Our candidates are a mix of cars already here, cars on the way, and one concept that seems like a lock to come to fruition. Are you beguiled or bewildered by Stuttgart's new four-door? Maybe you like Fisker's green-but-beautiful approach. How about the Mercedes CLS, which basically started this trend? VW's now in the game with the CC, and Aston's busy cooking up the production Rapide. Let's not forget Jaguar's wide-eyed kitty, the XF. And we'd be remiss if we left out the Lamborghini Estoque, a concept that has cash cow written all over it for Sant'Agata. So, throw all those pesky restrictions like budget and availability out the window. In your opinion, who's got the best take on the coupe-sedan look so far? who knows..
This one is a sporty modification concept of Honda Tiger 200 CC. I found this in a wordpress blogger, blogged by an Indonesian local blogger. He doesn't add any information in the post he made. Well,.. I think It's an expression of their fan about how Honda will improve their next design… And I think, Honda should begin to hear their customer about what kind of design is wanted by their customer. If not,.. never dream to take over Yamaha's top market share in Indonesia. And Honda should thanks to their fans of this brilliant design ideas!
This new design transporting concept car introduced by Daihatsu in Tokyo Motor Show 2007.It looks like a Dakar rally van that's been left in the wash too long. It's a true truck with a body-on-frame design, though. It's generous ride height and copious degrees of approach and departure angles mean that the Mud Master-C can actually go places while leaving an eency-weency footprint in its wake.
Daihatsu says that there are three gullwing doors on the concept, though they're really hatches, one on each side and one on the back. The truly neat thing about the Mud Master-C Concept is that it's configurable. For instance, the mountain bike support model developed with professional cyclist Raita Suzuki (shown at right) is configured to carry a pair of bikes, but the concept can also be configured as an open bed truck capable of carrying an ATV or even a crane!
Check out more info and Daihatsu's press release after the jump, and be sure to browse the gallery to see the Mud Master-C's unique features.
The Mud Master-C also features what Daihatsu calls a hub reduction system that transfers power using gears mounted between the driveshaft and the wheelhub. It appears the system allows the driveshaft to sit higher than the center of the wheelhub, giving the Mud Master-C its impressive ground clearance. The relatively large 16-inch off-road tires help, too.
Inside the concept you'll find a dash that's comprised simply of one large screen that displays both gauges and in-car entertainment options. Being the activity vehicle it is, the Mud Master-C also features water repellant seats so that hosing mud off of them is not a problem. The seats, however, are flat as church pews, which, when combined with the concept's height and narrow width, mean turns should be taken with caution.
Daihatsu didn't mention what powers the Mud Master-C, but we're guessing it's a small gas or diesel engine mounted amidship below the floor.
Additional Info of Mud Master-C :
This small, tough transporter leverages compactness and light weight for special off-road agility and adopts body-on-frame construction for outstanding durability and cargo capability. This mountain bike support model was designed in collaboration with the leading professional cyclist, Raita Suzuki.
A hub reduction system, which transfers driving power via gears mounted between the drive shaft and wheel hub, together with large-diameter 16-inch off-road tires, achieves 370mm ride height and generous angles of approach, departure and breakover for outstanding off-road drivability and stream-fording capability.
The body uses highly durable, lightweight and compact body-on-frame construction. A range of attachments can be combined for a variety of applications, from outdoor sports to work in rough terrain.
Large gullwing doors on three sides give the MUD MASTER-C great convenience, ideal for loading and unloading bicycles in the "mountain bike support" model.
Full-cabin styling creates a strong presence.
The interior features a simple instrument panel with large-screen LCD multi-display and the water-repellent seats, reflecting the car's rugged image.
One of the most eye catching bike in Tokyo Motor Show 2007 might be this one, Yamaha Tesseract. It doesn't like common motorcycle which only have two wheel, it have four wheels. Unfortunately, you look for it in Yamaha dealer for recent time. It’s just a styling concept and have not mass produced. Y
It’s not technically a motorcycle, and “Tesseract” sounds like something Scooby-Doo would say, but who cares? It looks incredible and has enough techno-jewelry to make the most jaded gearhead drool. Mounted in that spidery chassis is a V-Twin motor that’s the basis for a hybrid propulsion unit. Front suspension is something Yamaha calls “dual scythe,” and like the Piaggio MP3, the wheels lean with the chassis into the turns to impart that authentic motorcycle-riding feel. Like the Piaggio, the frontal profile is almost as narrow as a motorcycle, which would make this a fun and interesting street ride. The extra wheel will add stability, for sure, but also make this as likely to become DOT-legal as a Tiger tank.
I find a funny concept car in our neighbor site, it's a concept car which inspirited by the “Finding Nemo” box office hit animation. This car presented in October at the Road Transport Show in Amsterdam, The Citroën NEMO Concept is now on display at the 2007 Bologna Motor Show. The concept car is colored in white, orange and black and it celebrate the famous Disney clown fish.
This crossover concepts maybe be the longest Mini ever built. With over four meters in lenght and measuring 1,8 meters in width, the new car opens a new chapter in the history of Mini. Like the Mini Clubman, the Mini Crossover Concept is not a four- door in the classic sense, a conventional arrangement of doors is to be found only on the front passenger’s side, while on the driver’s side the the vehicle comes with a conventional door for the first row of seats plus a lift/sliding door moving along the outside for convenient access to the rear and for loading the car from the side.
And by dropping the B-pillar on the driver’s side, the Mini Crossover Concept exhausts the potential of this generous opening to an even higher degree. Frameless side windows, finally, are yet another feature of this truly exceptional four-door.
We don't know what the next Acura (Honda) NSX will ultimately look like, but we do know that it will have a 5.5-liter V10 throwing down 560 hp through a torque-vectoring SW-AWD setup. The folks over at Auto Express have a cutaway view of the NSX's gizzards, and what lurks beneath the creased and chevroned skin of the next do-it-all-faster supercar could be good for a few extra heartbeats. We do hope, however, that these exterior renderings are quite a ways off. Otherwise, it might not be so bad if Acura offers a cutaway version of the actual car so that you don't have to see its body, because even under the camo, the new NSX is shaping up to be um, homely. interesting..
Retro is fast becoming an accepted design theme industry-wide with vehicles such as the New Beetle, Mini Cooper and Fiat 500 shining as examples of the genre. The same can be said of motorcycles, with such designs as the Ducati SportClassic range as well as half of Triumph's line acting as flag-bearers. Harley could be grouped into that category as well, although they've never really changed since... well, the beginning of time. Anyway, Honda is considering capitalizing on the market trend with a new design inspired by the ground-breaking CB's of the 1970's. When it was first introduced, the CB750 turned the motorcycle world upside-down and went a long way towards making the sporty English bikes of the day obsolete overnight. As an odd turn of events, though, the CB1100F seen above would be anything but revolutionary in the sporting bike game today, considering that the air-cooled engine, skinny "right-side-up" fork and dual shocks are carry-over pieces from the original design. Of course, that's why it looks retro and why many people would likely run to their nearest Honda dealership to place their orders.
By most accounts, Honda originally planned to show off the next generation NSX to the seething throngs at last year's Tokyo Motor Show. But due to the less-than-positive reception the Advanced Sports Car concept garnered at the Detroit show, Honda's designers headed back to the drawing board to redesign the front clip housing the 550 hp, 4.5-liter V10.
Now, Autocar has gotten word from a Honda insider that the NSX is bound for the 2009 Tokyo show, sporting a new front end that "has Chevrolet Corvette undertones" and is slated to for production in the fall of 2010.
The new NSX will supposedly kick off Honda's first serious attempt at producing rear-wheel-drive vehicles to rival BMW, Mercedes, Lexus and Infiniti, including new platforms that will underpin Acura's larger sedan offerings and an S2000-based Acura sports car that takes aim at the Mercedes SLK. The launch of Acura's 7-series fighter isn't due to make an appearance until 2015. For Honda' sake, let's hope they can expedite development to make it happen around the turn of the decade.
HAMANN MOTORSPORT is now crowning its extensive tuning suite for the Lamborghini Gallardo. This tuning specialist from Laupheim, Germany, is giving the 520 bhp racing car something that was omitted at the factory. A feature that is inextricably linked with the classic Countach and the more recent Diablo and Murciélago models. Without further ado, the HAMANN engineers are equipping this high-speed muscle car with wing doors.
HAMANN is relying on an inhouse wing door construction to create a stable system without being too flashy. The hinges of the HAMANN wing door conversion can only just be seen, without appearing retrofitted. This ensures that the Gallardo still cuts a fine figure when getting in and out.
As one might expect, such finesse calls for a number of measures. In view of the end result, however, they can be regarded as extremely minimal. To complete the conversion, all that remains to be done is to blend in the paintwork along the hinges and the internal folding of the doors. The conversion is carried out at HAMANN and takes about a week.
The HAMANN wing doors are characterised by the fact that they open upwards at an angle. Drivers who opt for this conversion will never want to be without this wow factor! Needless to say, HAMANN also offers conversions for the Spyder version and older 500 bhp models.
In addition to the wing doors for the Gallardo, HAMANN also offers a whole range of tuning options for this model - in the form of aerodynamic components, light alloy wheels, suspension systems and luxurious interior equipment packages.
By the way, BMW 6 Series or Ferrari F430 owners who are thirsting for wing doors, also have something to look forward to. HAMANN is currently working on a conversion kit for these two models and their soft-top variants Cabrio and Spider.
Ferrari launched its program for customizing One-to-One, which will allow all its customers customize their cars and make them the closest to the model of your dreams. is the first model to incorporate a new studio and a special, dedicated to the program, was installed at the factory in Maranello and other units will be installed in other parts of the world in its most important markets.
The photos show the first model, which was customized at the inauguration of the program, the last Hall of Geneva and has panoramic roof electromechanical, whose level of transparency changes with just a touch and exchange Superfast, which uses technology from Formula 1 to carry out exchanges at 1 tenth of a second.
Lamborghini has cultivated an image for fast and exclusive supercars, but the Reventon broke the mold. Although rumors at one point suggested that the exotic automaker would increase the production run, Lamborghini stuck to its guns by producing just 20 examples as originally promised, all of which were spoken for almost immediately after the announcement was made despite a whopping million-euro price tag. Now the last one has rumbled out the factory gates in Sant'Agata Bolognese into the hands of one elated new owner.
Well, we'd be elated, but the car's owner was instead described as "understandably delighted". That's British understatement for you. The car was sold from a dealership in Birmingham, England, which had the honor of hocking the only Reventon to make it to the car-crazed UK. Fortunately for British supercars fans, the owner – whose identity was not disclosed and his face blurred out in the photo – pledges to drive the machine and will start by driving it across Europe from Italy to Engand.
Toyota's showing in Tokyo was rife with disappointments, none more so than what was over at the Lexus booth. Beyond its LF-Xh hybrid crossover, rumor had it that a revised version of the LF-A supercar would make an appearance. No such luck. Instead, the same show car we've seen over the last year stood alone, longing for refinement.
According to Winding Road's Japan correspondent, the reason for the dismal showing was a shakeup on the engineering side of Lexus' new halo. A number of "key engineers" have apparently been yanked off the project to work on other programs within Toyota, and that, partnered with problems providing power from both a V10 and a gas-electric hybrid V8, along with reaching the 218 MPH targeted top speed, has caused delays in development.
The business plan for the LF-A includes building 26 units per month, and sources suggest that sales are likely to begin in 2009 – the same year Acura will bring its own supercar to market.
There's more than a hint of Toyota's PM, i-Swing and i-REAL series about this concept. But where Toyota admits that the driver may occasionally want to get out of the pod, Suzuki sees no reason for such extravagant use of your legs when operating the PIXY. Leaving the city for a blast down the highway? Just drive your PIXY in to your SSC mothership. Want to go for a thrash though the mountains? Park up in your SSF sports-car unit. There's even a speed boat (SSJ) on the cards, not that you'd be able to smell the sea breeze. Both the PIXY and SSC appear to be hermatically sealed and were unbearably hot under the stage lights. Ideal transportation for a post nuclear war world perhaps?
With the modified Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera edo competition Motorsport has now added a second high-profile Italian racer to its tuning program after the Murciélago LP 640. Like its bigger brother, this sports car with the bull in its logo excels through its highlighted racing genes and more aggressive appearance after being modified at edo competition.
The most remarkable feature is the sensational acceleration. edo competition achieves these figures thanks to the installation of a massive air box, high flow catalytic converters which are a completely new design and a recalibration of the engine electronics. All components together raise the power output to 560 hp (411 kW) at 8,250 rpm. The power increase of 30 hp / 22 kW boosts the top speed by about 6 km/h (4 mph) to 320 km/h (199 mph). Another highlight: The sound volume of the modified exhaust system can be adjusted via remote.
The sporty concept of the edo Gallardo Superleggera is rounded off with 19“ three-piece racing wheels with an artificially-aged cast center-section, hand-polished outer rims and 39 stainless steel screws.
The front wheels are shod in stock-sized or (on request) 245/35 ZR 19 rubber while 305/30 ZR 19 Dunlop Sport Maxx tires are used on the rear axle. With this solution edo competition enables its customers to reuse the factory tires on their new wheels.
edo competition treats the masculine stance of the Gallardo Superleggera to an additional testosterone injection by lowering the suspension by a good 15 mm and through the use of corner-weighting. With these upgrades, the Lambo sticks to the road so firmly and unflappably that it would take an earthquake to upset its poise.
Verdict from the July 2008 Autobild comparison test „Edo Gallardo / MTM R8“: „The edo Gallardo Superleggera is the more harmonic and better balanced car. Very quick, great to control and of the finest quality in all aspects”!
Engine V10 Power 560 hp / (411 kW) at 8250 rpm Max. torque 540 Nm (398 ft-lb) at 6800 rpm
Performance Top speed est. 320km/h (199 mph) 0 – 100 km/h (0 – 62 mph) 3.7 s 0 – 200 km/h (0 – 124 mph) 11.7 s
Power increase to 560 hp via 200-cell high flow catalytic converter, carbon fiber air box and ECU recalibration Exhaust sound level adjustable at the simple push of a button Optional : 19“ three-piece racing wheels with an artificially-aged cast center-section, hand-polished outer rims and 39 stainless steel screws. Tire dimensions as stock or on request front: 245/ 35 ZR 19, rear 305/ 30 ZR 19 Dunlop Sport Maxx Custom painted wheels on request Tire pressure monitoring system displaying tire pressure and temperature for each wheel Suspension lowering by 15 mm incl. corner-weighting Side turn signals, smoked
Dacia Sandero is built on the same B0 platform as Logan which features MacPherson-type front suspension with wishbone. Certain versions also come with a front anti-roll bar which ensures excellent roadholding when cornering. Dacia Sandero’s rear suspension is also derived from the B0 platform and comprises a programmeddeflection torsion beam with coil springs and vertically-mounted, extended-travel dampers. The suspension package has been specially engineered for Dacia Sandero, including lower arm joints and a rear end which have been designed to deliver precise handling and good roadholding along sharply twisting roads. Like the Dacia range’s other models, Sandero boasts high ground clearance (155mm) which means it is able take all types of road in its stride, both in and out of town, a factor that contributes further to its versatility. The new car also benefits from underbody protection which allows it to tackle unsealed surfaces with ease.
Power steering is naturally available for most versions to ensure safe, precise steering and a degree of driving pleasure worthy of a B-segment vehicle. The entry-level version comes without power steering with a view to keeping its price at a reasonable level. The slightly higher steering ratio compared with Clio II and work on the hub carrier and castor angle has resulted in a reduction in the effort required to turn the steering wheel.
Certain versions are equipped with a height and lumbar adjustable driver’s seat which enables the ideal driving position to be found, while the driver can get more comfortable by the height adjustable steering wheel (according to version) and ergonomically-positioned steering wheel-mounted controls.
Last but not least, careful attention has been paid to thermal comfort to address the special needs of customers in a wide variety of climates and countries. The layout of the ducts has been thought through to ensure a rapid rise in temperature on start-up, as well as in extreme heat and cold...hmm its cool
The hybrid takes a supercar disguise for promoting a new way of designing the environment friendly car of the future. “We have entered a new era. We have created a hybrid that has nothing to do with the typical electric power vehicle which so often flaunts rather unappealing characteristics”, Fabrizio Giugiaro asserts. “When creating the volumes of this eco supercar, the idea at the back of my mind was to recapture the stylish features of the central-engine models, which I had already used with the BMW Nazca, the Alfa Romeo Scighera and the Volkswagen V 12, to demonstrate that if a racing shell can combine a “clean” and innovative propulsion system, the headroom for creating and designing environmentally-friendly sedan and compact cars of the future would be huge.”
Mindful of this, Alessandro Volta, the Italian physicist and discoverer of the voltaic pile, was called to bear witness to an exciting stage of automotive technological research, a momentum placing demands on the depth of resources required from automobile manufacturers to meet head-on pressing environmental issues such as gas emissions and the unrelenting consumption of oil-derivative products.
Italdesign-Giugiaro could not have chosen a more appropriate partner than Toyota for venturing into this theme of thought. As confirmed by Giorgetto Giugiaro: “We have been working with Toyota for more than 25 years. We are proud to have worked towards putting in place a hybrid prototype because the advanced expertise and commitment of the Nagoya Carmaker to mixed wheeldrive moves beyond day-to-day boundaries.”
Venturi has entrusted the French engineer Gérard Ducarouge (of Lotus Formula 1, Matra Formula 1 and Le Mans fame) with the conception of this car of a new era. The Fétish has been conceived as an electric vehicle with absolutely no compromises, utilizing the latest in state of the art technologies. The general architecture of the car is similar to that of a racing car. The motor, ideally mounted in a central rear position, is enclosed in a carbon fiber monocoque chassis. As a result, the car weighs only 2,424 pounds with batteries, and 1,653 without.
Thanks to its electronically managed Lithium-Ion batteries (58 KWh), positioned in a T shape within the chassis, the Fétish has a range of more than 200 miles and a very quick recharge of 1 mile per minute (under 80 Amp.).
Light and perfectly well balanced, the Fétish offers tremendous performance: it has remarkable acceleration - 0 to 60 mph in less than 5 seconds – and a top speed of more than 100 mph, well above posted speed limits. The powerful 14,000 rpm, 180 KW motor produces very linear torque that, unlike an internal combustion engine, is instantaneously available, even from a complete standstill. The motor braking can be regulated from the dashboard, and enables the batteries to recharge with every deceleration.
The Venturi Fétish can be considered the most contemporary car available today, since it takes into consideration today’s ecological matters and simultaneously presents an extremely positive vision of tomorrow’s automobile, made for driving pleasure. This very innovative approach constitutes a major cultural change - the entry of a noiseless electric car into the very elite circle of the true sports car. Thus, the Fétish offers to its driver and passenger a new experience of mobility 20 years ahead of its time.
Gildo, CEO of Venturi, has envisioned the Venturi Fétish for “25 exceptional people who are able to change worldwide mentalities on electric propulsion”.
This highly technological car - the most expensive as well as the rarest car of the show - will be sold as a work of contemporary art, with production limited to 25 pieces worldwide.
Drawn by the French designer Sacha Lakic and assembled in California, Fétish will be sold for $660,000 in 3 cities in the world: Los Angeles, Tokyo and Monte-Carlo.
Automobile industry has seen various changes in past few years. Trend for compact hybrid cars is at its peak now a days. Several new designs are shaped every day and there is lot more to come.
Peugeot Modif is a fabulous design for a hybrid car that will be very successful in small towns and tight places. It has a two tone color scheme and the center of this is the large rubber tube-like center shaft that allows the car to squeeze up to 88 centimeters and also provides the front of the car with flexibility to swivel from side to side 18.5 degrees for better drive. I liked the design as it is different from traditional designs, it features white tires and large black chrome wheels with each tire having six special pads holding sensors to intimate the driver for adjustment of car according to road conditions. Inside each massive wheel is a powerful hydrogen hybrid engine. 80% of the material used to make is renewable, the a rubber element in the front part houses the oil, water and CPU.
The cockpit of the car is covered by a large bubble top one-piece window that provides the passenger and the driver with an unobstructed view up to 360 degrees. Rare view cameras on both sides constantly provide with the status of the road behind on a screen embedded on the dashboard. It also features a high-discharge red led emergency light on the top for you to cherish a V.I.P. feeling. The exhaust pipe is positioned in the center that only emits water.